|reflect| The courage to be honest with confidence

This will be a bit of a rambler post – apologies in advance. I’ve been musing on this for a while and haven’t quite found the flow to write about it… so I think I’m trying too hard. Here are my thoughts in all their un-finessed glory.
I was first challenged by this post titled “I’m not pregnant. It’s just my belly.”
I can relate in that I have a body type that fits some “beauty standards” (hourglass figure and a full bra size); for the most part I’ve always been happy with my shape. I’ve also always carried some extra pounds. The confidence in my curvy figure or honesty about my health have varied over the years. Still, I’m generally pretty comfortable in my skin.
But even on a good day, I don’t think I could manage her final thought:
“After some time and a few breaths, I smiled and unwrapped my jacket from my waist. I decided to let my little belly be. I wasn’t confident the whole time, but I was honest. And if you ask me, honesty is damn sexy.”
My response to the article had me confused. I wanted to be all “body confidence, yay! I dress for myself not anyone else. One person’s dumb comment doesn’t need to ruin my day. *quietly repeats calming mantra to refrain from poking out eyeballs*.” In the moment, I think that’s exactly how I would have responded.
But because I lived the story in private through another’s writing, the immediate impulse to put on a brave face didn’t happen. Instead I wanted to cry. I mentally tied that jacket around myself and hid.
My reaction confused me because it was honest. Raw. Vulnerable. Even weak. The list of people who see this part of me is short and I don’t open up easily. The post served as a mirror and what it showed me was uncomfortable.
Maybe it has hit me stronger because I’m particularly aware of my body lately. It is spring, after all. The tank tops and skirts are coming out while the magazines urge me to slim down for summer. It’s probably the hardest time of year (because once the summer heat and humidity hit, I don’t care so much how I look and just about staying cool).
This thought process is showing me that personal confidence and courage are not the same thing, and most importantly, that honestly trumps both.
If you made it through my rambling, high five!
You are one beautiful woman and SHOULD have every ounce of confidence in yourself and body!
Awe, thanks lady!
Heckuva good job. I sure apetpciare it.
Now this was an educational video for me,……. to polish-up my English a little.I think he got a nasty infection under his knuckle, once being a wound.Good find SoulCyster !! There are not so much real educative Vids around !!!Bravo !! 3stars for this one.
· Hello lovely, how exciting this is for you. I’ve kept the day job, although I always say to people that it is my other life and my proper job is as writer. Making a buck from it is still something I am struggling with. I wonder whether I will ever take the plunge myself to do it 24/7 and write those three other novels I have in draft and those countless poems from my notebooks. But you have the right time and the right skills to go for it now. Massive hugs to you. xx
Involved time for you to read each of the comments, however genuinely enjoyed the content. It proved to become extremely beneficial to me and i’m positive to every one from the commenters here! It really is constantly nice whenever you can not only learn, but additionally entertained! Im sure you had enjoyment scripting this post.
I haven’t always been completely confident and comfortable in my own body and honestly I think most american women struggle with this at some point. It doesn’t seem to be as big of a deal in other parts of the world. But what I have noticed is that the women who are most comfortable and confident often appear beautiful to me regardless of whether they have a ‘perfect’ body or not.
I agree completely. The expression of confidence and joy is so attractive in people. It’s funny how we give others so much more grace than we give ourselves. I think most days I AM comfortable in and appreciative of my body – and then on the days “off” days I’m like “wait, am I lying to myself? What’s different today??”
nu puteai si tu sa anunti ca mergi!! Eu n-am ajuns, macar vedeai pe cineva cazut in admiratie pentru film si indiferent la criticile tale. Felicitari pentru primul film 3d vazut, mai ales ca ti l-ai ales atat de bine ))La mine primul a fost IceAge, de atunci insa sa stii ca a progresat mult tehnologia 3d, acolo banii au fost aruncati, pardon, dati mai mult pe puterea de iluzionare 3d a sprotatceului.
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