Life in pieces makes a whole |

This has unexpectedly been a summer of change you guys.

In June it became clear I needed to leave my budget-strapped nonprofit and I began a serious job search. To say the environment was toxic is an understatement and the last few months only became worse. And let me tell you! Job hunting takes so much time it’s a job in itself – while still working full-time, the relaxed and adventurous summer we had planned went up in flames.

Through the process and despite problems in the office, I realized how spoiled I’ve been. I worked a 20-minute walk from my house, my yoga studio is in the same building and my favorite local coffee shop is right there.

I’ll have to commute now? Join the rush-hour crush on public transit? My commute time quadruples?? I’ve managed to retain small-city work habits in DC. Remarkable, really.

The good news is I’m now a week into a new job! My commute isn’t the worst – I’m able to catch a limited-stop bus and avoid the metro trains all together. It’s a nice salary increase. The staff are spunky and friendly.

I’ll give a little more detail when I get my new office arranged and decorated and can also post photos.

In other summer news!

We went on vacation! Finally. And it coincided with our 3-year anniversary! We camped for 5 days in a Maryland State Park, turned off phones, didn’t check times, went exploring and generally just breathed. In perfect timing, I accepted my new position the night before we left, so we really were able to fully relax.

Life in pieces makes a whole | Life in pieces makes a whole | Life in pieces makes a whole |
Life in pieces makes a whole | Life in pieces makes a whole | Life in pieces makes a whole |

I ran a 10-mile trail race with some good friends:

Life in pieces makes a whole |

I’ve been much more consistent with runs and workouts:

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Life in pieces makes a whole |

We’ve spent time around the city and had family visit:

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Cassie and I took advantage our last weeks working together (she started a new job too!):

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Life in pieces makes a whole |

I’ve enjoyed my home. A peaceful home space is so important when outside the doors is crazy:

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Life in pieces makes a whole |

Now I can settle into a new space and new routine. I can work with freelance clients again. And because I work in the city now, I can be cool and have lunch dates with fellow downtown employee friends.

Thanks for sticking with me!


Since I’ve been mostly absent, how have your summers been??
How do you handle transition periods?

The Ultimate Coffee Date, lunch date
The chaos of creativity {}

Why is it that inspiration always – and I do mean always – comes as I’m getting ready in the morning or on my walk to work? Moments when I can’t jot some notes in a post draft. “I’ll do it when I get to work,” I always say. “All I need is 3 minutes to type a few notes so I can write about this later.”

Hm, right. I get to work, make my tea, chat with co-workers, open email, check some articles and any creativity I had is gone. One a good day I can remember a shred of what I wanted to write. Most days it’s lost. The result is that I don’t post regularly.

Because here’s the thing. I’ve  never been one to push out blog posts everyday just to publish something new. I write when I’m inspired and motivated. I write when I have something to say. When I’m building my mileage again and have thoughts on running; or chatting with a friend about yoga and want to share how I practice at home; or when I’m writing a marketing article for work and it seems a good fit to adapt for the blog; or when I’ve made a new piece of clothing and do a style post.

I never blog for the sake of blogging. I blog for the sake of creating.

For me, in this space, that’s personal. PPA has a .518713% chance of ever generating revenue because that’s not how I’ve built this blog. My post “schedule” is random, the content is varied and social media marketing for PPA is sporadic at best.

Maybe I’m rebelling because digital marketing is my day job and I want a break here. Maybe it’s because my ideas and interests change on a whim so I don’t like being tied to one blog theme. I realize this doesn’t add up to blogging best practices and I’m more and more comfortable with that. In the past I’ve struggled with this creative chaos; now I’m embracing the ebbs and flows of inspiration.

One week I want to write about everything, another I sew 2 new tops, and another I take apart old jewelry make something new. I’m embracing the fact that sometimes these projects go unfinished as my inspiration moves on. It doesn’t have to be about the final product, but simply about the joy I have in the process. (Even if that means unpublished posts and storing a collection of art supplies).

I want to create. I want to share and learn and teach and vent and process. I want to grow through what I write in this white box. It will never generate high page views but it will inspire me. On a good day, maybe it inspires you, too.

Thanks for reading, friends.


How are you most creative?
Do you thrive in creative chaos
or with organized lists?

30 birthday photo story {}

FINALLY getting these posted! It’s not a complete “story” as I don’t have any photos of the cookout party. I was too busy chatting and doing real life to have my phone out I guess.

It was a fabulous 30th weekend! Brother and SIL from New York came down, brother from Alabama came up last minute and close friends moving out to Cali joined us on Saturday. We went to an art museum, cooked out with a bunch of friends to celebrate the last day in my twenties, cheers-ed 30 at midnight, made waffles for brunch and took Monday off for an adventure to the botanical gardens. It was relaxed and fun and just what I hoped for.

30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {} 30 birthday photo story {}

Now it’s July, my birthday month is over and I’m 30 you guys.

Thanks for reading!


Tell me about your summer so far!
Fun trips? People visiting? Favorite summer activity?

Rain is magic {}
Rain is magic {}

The rain resonates with me this week. The cool misting during a morning run and the torrential downpour while sitting relaxed on the balcony. Even the chilly light rain while I walk to work.

After a week already pushing 90° it seems extra meaningful. I’ve given boots and my favorite cozy sweater one last wear until faSoon I’ll be tired of the gray, but today the rain is magic. I’ve curled up with open windows, enjoying the crisp fresh air. Soon I’ll be tired of the gray, but today the rain is magic.



I wrote this a few weeks ago. I’m not sure what it is (simple creative writing piece? Free form poem?) and didn’t necessarily intend to publish it, but it fits today.

I pause in these moments.

When the world I see doesn’t match my vision.
The colors aren’t as bright, the energy isn’t as positive and everything seems just a bit mean.

When my perspective doesn’t match what another sees.
I say one thing and my partner hears something different. Or the same realities become different memories.

When a reflection doesn’t match the truth I know.
My body doesn’t look like this, her first impression can’t be accurate or his action doesn’t echo the friend I know.

We all live in moments when truth becomes very gray.

With the grayness comes anxiety and as that fog swirls in, the world takes on a vagueness I hadn’t noticed before. Suddenly I want to claw my way out of this gray-world box. I need contrast. I crave black and white, yes and no, friend and foe.

But that doesn’t exist, does it? The polarization of black and white isn’t truth. Or, it shouldn’t be.

Truth is in the gray.

When I remember an event one way and my friend remembers it another, chances are neither of us is correct. Chances are the truth is somewhere in the middle; in the gray.

It is the space between black and white where creativity and discovery and passion exist. Where community grows and diversity thrives. In the gray spaces, status is challenged and new ideas are built.

This moment, standing the fog, I see variety and blending.
I see black and white and all shades of gray. I see solids and patterns like an endless kaleidoscope.
I move, my perspective shifts, and I realize that each point of view really can be different and still be truth. I watch others move, study the ripples caused by their steps and am awed by the transformations those ripples create.

This time, the moment isn’t one of anxiety, but of wonder.

Braids shades and sunshine {} fresh air, yoga, fashion, fitness
Braids shades and sunshine {} fresh air, yoga, fashion, fitness


#1: last weekend I enjoyed my first fresh air run since October! Only 2.5 miles, so don’t get too excited with me. It was slow and I was waaaay too sore the next day. My lack of regular running these days showed big time. But I RAN OUTSIDE YOU GUYS. Get excited again.

#2: I’m all about the office workouts these days. Sure, I get up for my 30 minutes at home in the morning, but I also like taking 5:00 breaks throughout the day for some pushups, planks, lunges, really whatever I feel like. I’m regularly getting 15-20 minutes extra by the end of my work day. And no, I have no shame doing pushups in a dress in my office.

Truth be told,  my motivation for this isn’t really about the strength building and more about keeping my toes and fingers attached to my body because its f***ing cold in my office. The AC was on in March (we don’t control it). Last summer I used my space heater in July.

The worst part is that I walk to work. During warm months, I dress as work-appropriate as summer clothes allow and am sweating like crazy when I walk in. Only to spend the rest of the day freezing. It’s horrible. #FirstWorldProblems #Inefficient

Life lessons:

• A handstand a day really does improve handstands. I’ve been finishing every morning workout with inversions.


These are the days of weekend hikes on the Potomac river, lunches outside  and our vegetable garden. Generally just enjoying fresh air while it’s pleasant. Truth: Jon does 94% of the garden work; I just eat and make salsa and take credit where I can.

I’ve also been sewing like I’m paid for it lately. I made this breezy top with open sides and have second one to post about still. My shirt caught the attention of a co-worker, which led to a fabric store trip and I made two more for her and her housemate. I’ve tailored a few of my own pieces, have a few more to do, and have at least two more summer tops to make myself. My machine has a semi-permanent place at the dining table these days.

I don’t need to shop. I just need pretty fabric and an idea. I am in control of my own style destiny.

From the world of Instagram:

Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness
Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness
Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness Fasting and fresh air {} April, yoga, fashion, fitness


So here’s the thing. Jon usually does the grocery shopping, but he made the mistake of sending Matt and I this week. A few chocolate treats may have found their way into our cart. Hellloooo Trader Joe’s mini peanut butter cups??? I can’t resist.

Besides that little detour, my sweet intake has remained controlled and my water hydration is better than ever.

The real question today is about intermittent fasting. The basic idea is that you consume your normal amount of food but in a smaller time period. This way your body goes into a “fasting state” and uses stored energy instead (i.e. burns fat).

Anyone tried it?? Great, good, bad, terrible?


• I’m not a foodie and often forget to eat. Seriously, it happens often. I skip a meal unintentionally at least once a week. This “eating window” idea may keep me consistent.

Happy Friday friends!

Let’s hear it:
Thoughts on intermittent fasting?
How was your week??